Readpixels unity

  • Readpixels unity. If we do not need the whole depth buffer necessarily as a texture, we could just get selective values and Feb 3, 2020 · The problem is Unity's handling of >8 bit texture assets is kind of terrible. Causes: To use Texture2D. Texture2D:ReadPixels(Rect, Int32, Int32, Boolean) Jul 2, 2012 · I'm then extracting the pixels using ReadPixels into a fresh Texture2D with a matching ARGB32 texture format, which is then encoded to a PNG and saved to file. IntoRenderTexture( tex, channels, write_buffer, writeShader); //Test data is now in the render texture. My current implementation works correctly within the editor but not so well on mobile devices as the screenshot ends up appearing too zoomed in. Read screen pixels into the saved texture data. So basically, I move my capture camera around, looking at what other cameras are looking at, and compositing the results of 2 Render In this current iteration I have a single button that SHOULD, when pressed is take a screenshot and then send that screenshot to all clients. // Bind your framebuffer. This will copy a rectangular pixel area from the currently active RenderTexture or the view (specified by the source parameter) into the position defined by destX and destY. ReadPixels(new Rect (0, 0, maskTexture. Refresh ();" it, the unity would not response immediately after you did the change. 0a20 and getting this error: "d3d11 unsupported readpixels destination texture format" Unity is the ultimate game development platform. 2. Upd: My canvas is rendered in mode Screen Space - Camera. CopyTexture or Graphics. Either way, getting that data back can be quite slow in many situations. Support is limited to only a handful of formats, so use SystemInfo. StencilSampling Jun 1, 2019 · Like reading raw data or using RenderTexture. - in URP, the Render. Dec 28, 2011 · 1. It's always white, even if the render texture has valid data. To get around this, the only solution I could find was to run Unity in OpenGL-mode (add “-force-opengl” to the target path of Unity’s shortcut) and then write a plugin (DLL) which calls the OpenGL May 22, 2009 · May 22, 2009. Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat. RGB24, false); // ReadPixels looks at the active RenderTexture. Read the pixels of the render texture into a Texture2D so that it can be read from. Jan 6, 2021 · Here is the code , the brief explanation of the code : i get rendertexture from camera , then i convert it to Texture2D using readpixels and apply () , then i copy the data i need and return it to the function caller . ReadPixels is usually slow, because the method waits for the GPU to complete all previous work first. Blit to copy a texture on the GPU only. 1. tangledrealitystudios. You can either flip it in C# code, or you can try blitting it to another render texture before using ReadPixels on that. I'm using a separate camera that renders to a RenderTexture, which is used to create a sprite using ReadPixels(). Unfortunately I need to render the Buffer every Feb 21, 2013 · countTexture. My understanding is that because noise is data it should be generated and imported as a linear texture. This is the code I'm using: "Unity", Unity logos, Jan 20, 2018 · I want to capture the screen the user is seen and send that data as a byte array to a remote machine, running another Unity3D application. GetRawTextureData() at present, but after timing it, I see &hellip; Unity API は、テクスチャデータにアクセスしたり、処理したりするためのメソッドをいくつか提供しています。. In the Editor works GREAT! On the iPhone the result texture is rotated 90 degrees instead of being like the screen in landscape. The new texture looks blank, but if I save it to disk and load that image into the GameObject, then it works fine. Both coordinates use pixel space - (0,0) is lower left. A Unity ID allows you to buy and/or subscribe to Unity products and services, shop in the Asset Store and participate in the Unity community Dec 3, 2009 · It turned out the format of the Texture2D was the defining factor, for some reason Reading pixels from the RenderTexture with the Alpha into a Texture2D with TextureFormat. Jul 23, 2020 · Joined: Oct 16, 2013. This is slow in part because GPUs were designed to receive data from the CPU, not to send it back, but also because the GPU may be busy when the request is made. You can grab contents of the current render target with Texture2D. Dec 29, 2011 · 15,606. 16f1 Does anyone know why is the texture Y coordinate flipped, when using the PickColorIncorrect method? Attaching . ARGB32, false); Dec 28, 2023 · Usually you need these additional steps: force the camera to render into the render texture - otherwise you would need to wait until the next frame so the camera at least once rendered to the render texture. Do you actually know if there is one bound? This seems like a very weird thing to want to do. I'm stumped. Then I displayed the result texture on a plane. Both coordinates use pixel space: (0,0) is lower left. public Texture2D ResizeTexture ( Texture2D originalTexture, int newWidth, int newHeight) {. Here's the better code than what's in the unity May 21, 2013 · I am trying to render something to a texture in 2 phases. Then make sure the clear colour for your camera has an alpha of zero, and when you use ReadPixels you'll get the alpha channel straight from the fragment shader rather than from the blending function. Reinitializes a Texture2D, making it possible for you to replace width, height, textureformat, and graphicsformat data for that texture. #7. though, it's not possible in Unity to grab it after the frame is rendered. One typical usage of render textures is setting them as the "target texture" property of a Camera ( Camera. Jun 2, 2009 · A Unity ID allows you to buy and/or subscribe to Unity products and services, shop in the Asset Store and participate in the Unity community. Usage. ここでいうスクリーンとはすなわちレンダーターゲットのことです。 Description. Nov 26, 2008 · Unity ID. Unity doesn't properly support 16 bit png files. Dec 24, 2020 · 'B8G8R8A8_SRGB' doesn't support ReadPixels usage on this platform. Reads the pixels from the current render target (the screen, or a RenderTexture ), and writes them to the texture. Of course, it will look wrong in Unity because you can't see the alpha channel in the render target. Once I change the Fantastic to Simple, it works. GetPixels(); Which produces a grey texture with 0. This will read from the currently active RenderTexture; Call Apply() on the texture2d; Set the RenderTexture. May 2, 2009 · It could be due to the inappropriate Quality setting (File -> Project Setting -> Quality). using UnityEngine; Sep 28, 2022 · To make it possible to resize the render texture you first need to make sure it is released. //You could reuse the write_buffer but want to make the test clear. When I run the code above I get the following output: GetPixels32 supports Crunch compressed textures. //Create a new empty buffer to copy the contents of the render texture into. active = rTex; Reads pixels from the current render target and writes them to a texture. None); //This is a new RT created for debug purposes on the GPU side. Previewing it on a material, it looks perfect. Code (CSharp): public List <float> getdata () {. Apply (); to apply the changed pixels. May 29, 2013 · Because Unity probably wants a copy of all textures in CPU memory, ReadPixels can be very slow - especially when dealing with large textures. Need more time to investigate which is the particular setting that is causing the problem. I am using Texture2D. Oct 25, 2017 · Trying to bake reflection probes on iOS in Unity 2020. It reduces the framerate by about 40-60FPS for UpdateBuffer (). gl. Now i have some Problems with Texture2D. I'm trying to find an efficient way of reading a RWTexture2D from the GPU to the CPU. I am using a colour picker to change the colour of a texture - part of a larger plan I have in mind - but I am getting. 1f Only occur with my Android tablet, on my android phone it runs Ok. active RenderTexture is null, even if camera. Create new Texture2D, use RenderTexture. Apr 28, 2016 · Use ReadPixels to read in pixels into a temporary texture2d using an appropriate Rect. getActiveCamera(); // Initialize and render. Texture. active = null; RenderTexture. Cameras write either to the video buffer (the screen) or to a RenderTexture. The dimensions of the array are width * height of the mip level. width, renderTexture. ReadPixels () reads from the video buffer or the current active render texture (from memory check the docs) at the time it is called, so simply attaching it to a Camera does not Jan 24, 2020 · You have to set the RenderTexture you want to read as active (RenderTexture. Your function takes material not texture2d, I have texture2d which I want to resize through script. ReadPixels to do this and they both take many milliseconds to return a single word of data. Apr 6, 2011 · Unity ID. Jan 5, 2010 · ReadPixels asks the GPU to copy the data back to the CPU. Code (csharp): Feb 11, 2019 · screenShot. ReadPixels (new Apr 19, 2018 · まずTexture2DにはReadPixels()という、スクリーンの色情報をこのテクスチャに格納するメソッドがあります。 名前わかりづらい。 Unity - Scripting API: Texture2D. Code (csharp): public Renderer displayLeft; public Renderer displayRight; Texture2D texL; Texture2D texR; void Start (){. I've messed around extensively with lighting and ambient lighting. Dec 16, 2015 · Joined: Dec 16, 2015. On windows the generated . AsyncGPUReadback:Request Oct 8, 2015 · Upd: I also have thought of capturing the full screen and reading specific pixels from the texture that contains the screenshot, but I just can’t find the way to read the specific pixels from one texture and upload them to another. You should reuse a buffering variable instead. not creating a new Texture2D but instead alter only the pixels in the one you already have like Packs multiple Textures into a texture atlas. this is a summary of the code I use to get the pixels from a renderTexture. Render only the character to a render texture with a camera that has it's clear flags set to a solid color which is transparent. There shouldn't be a performance issue if you handle memory management 非同期読み出し方法. This enables you to store or process the output from a rendering operation. Sets the pixel color at coordinates (x,y). On the CPU side when I attempt to read it back with ReadPixels it is really slow. Oct 31, 2015 · CBWrite. unitypackage if you want to take a look at this. Posts: 4. active and camera RenderTexture to null; The idea is that ReadPixels works on the currently Active RenderTexture. isReadable must be true, and you must call Apply after ReadPixels to upload the changed pixels to the GPU. The second problem is that the ReadPixels doesn't work, on any platform or texture format that I've tried. Jun 7, 2019 · It seems like most of the work is done just setting the color mode to depth on a camera with a render target. I’ve created a camera, and in phase (A) I render the contents that some other camera (A) is seeing. Sep 23, 2010 · PaulUsul January 4, 2011, 12:48pm 2. I get this exception May 30, 2017 · 2 Answers. Lets say it takes 5 ms to read a 64x64 pixel area, 4 ms of that might be the fixed overhead of making that request and only 1 ms of it is actual data transfer. LoadImage の非同期化が必要です。. May 2, 2008 · Code (csharp): Blend Off. そのため、テクスチャが読み取れるかどうかによって、これら Oct 6, 2010 · tex. Jun 4, 2010 · yeah, but depth buffer is still a buffer on GPU. A Unity ID allows you to buy and/or subscribe to Unity products and services, shop in the Asset Store and participate in the Unity community. var read_buffer = new ComputeBuffer ( size, stride); Jan 29, 2020 · On the URP the target image is a "normal" quad version of what a normal (non-VR) camera would produce. make the render texture active before ReadPixels in order to read from the rt instead of the screen. 8 rgb values. READ_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo) // Provide output target. Read pixels from screen into the saved texture data. Render textures are textures that can be rendered to. MSAA8x: Use this to create and render to a MSAA 8X rendertexture. After loading some object, in phase (B) I render the contents that another camera (B) is seeing. Feb 22, 2012 · I am trying to replace a texture in a GameObject with a custom one. Rendering. Why not use one of the existing Unity methods (Application. This is now the source Texture2D. Apr 14, 2011 · ReadPixels was called to read pixels from system frame buffer, while not inside drawing frame. May 29, 2014 · I can verify this in the inspector, or by using the render to texture surface directly instead of copying to a regular Texture2D first. Code (CSharp): public Material material; // set to the material you want to use (probably want to pick one that's unlit). Find the portion of the texture that the character is in and copy the pixels from the Dec 7, 2010 · Interesting question. The following implementation is an adaptation of my code from the previous post, being an implementation of the ReadPixels method using a Compute Shader for optimized performance. ReadAllBytes と Texture2D. I want to avoid that saving step, because I’m not sure I’m allowed to do that in mobile platforms Here’s what I did: I created a class that it does not inherit from MonoBehaviour. blit (null, customRenderTexture) ends in the same result. So the solution is often to simply not use ReadPixels. I have a relatively small 1024x1024 Render Texture which is assigned to the compute shader. Here is what I’ve current setup so far: IEnumerator TestScreenshot() { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); // Calculate values from rect Sep 3, 2022 · I'm working on a character generator that creates thumbnail sprites for each character. I created a simple script that reads the color of the first pixel from the RenderTexture, and does this every single frame. forceIntoRenderTexture is set to true. List <float> toreturn = new List <float>(); // ---- thecamera data start ----. Now, this only happens when I set the renderTexture to R8. Dec 10, 2015 · mTexShadow2D. isReadable must be true, and you must call Nov 15, 2013 · If you take a texture that's upside down and copy it to the CPU using ReadPixels, you're getting the upside down version. When I'm doing ReadPixels only RGB format is supported. ReadPixels to read the pixels from RenderTexture into the new Texture2D. MSAA4x: Use this to create and render to a MSAA 4X rendertexture. ReleaseTemporary( renderTexture); DestroyImmediate ( texture); } The shader applied to a sprite looks like this (example): As you can see, in this case, it's a 60x30 units sized sprite which is centered at 0x0 (Lower-Left should be at -30x-15). height, rt. darreney , Aug 20, 2019 Jul 8, 2015 · There are two possibilities: Attach your script to the camera and use OnPostRender to actually grab the image. My Unity version is 2021. However AssetDatabase is under the UnityEditor namespace. Posts: 393. I drag the texture to the unFillTexture field in the inspector. However, I call this same function through a button of a manobehabiour in the Inspector, and this one does generate the image Jan 25, 2011 · Later you can open a gallery to chose a Scene and reload it. Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(512, 512, TextureFormat. Async GPU readback failed. Mar 2, 2017 · shlighter said: ↑. Hi guys, I'm trying to send live screen video bytes over the internet for video chat. Jan 28, 2017 · Joined: Jul 19, 2022. ReadPixels (new Rect (0, 0, mapSize, mapSize), 0, 0); //Reading out current RT (GPU --> CPU!) It works but the Problem is: ReadPixels () slow THE HELL down. ローカルなpngテクスチャの読み出しを非同期化するには、 File. I've tried saving the render texture with ReadPixels and setting the color format to DEPTH_AUTO but it doesn't work, the image that gets saved is just a solid gray, does anyone know what's happening/how to fix it? leofreitasa, Aug 9, 2022. The lower left corner is (0, 0). Feb 3, 2015 · The way to make readPixels 10x faster (or even 20x in my case) is by using asynchronous reading into a pixel-pack buffer, waiting for the response and then copying the data with getBufferSubData. The plugin API is pretty restrictive. Reads pixels from the current render target and writes them to a texture. ReadPixels () doesn't read pixels from a Camera. Posts: 2,228. endCameraRendering in a similar way. active = yourRT), and then use ReadPixels to read the data. It'll read them, but it quantizes them down to 8 bit before the editor uses them. active) into a Texture2D’s CPU data. Aug 1, 2022 · The code essentially looks like this: Code (CSharp): //rt is the RenderTexture attached to the camera. And I hava a direct way to make the isReadable true. Texture2Ds can generate png data with Texture2D. RGB24 there is no problem whatsoever. Combine( Application. 3. cdertexture-screencapture-or-readpixels-unity/ As of this moment, i am refraining from using render texture to display on my main camera. RobAnthem February 21, 2018, Nov 4, 2021 · ReadPixels() to have some fixed overhead. You can use a 32 bit float tiff (Unity doesn't Texture. png"); var uri =$"file://{path}"; using Oct 11, 2013 · albedo2D. RenderTexture. If recalculateMipMaps is set to true, the mip maps Dec 24, 2021 · RenderTexture. 描述. LoadStore: Use this to perform resource load and store on a texture: MSAA2x: Use this to create and render to a MSAA 2X rendertexture. 3. isReadable must be true, and you must call Aug 25, 2016 · The problem is calling "ReadPixels" multiple times is too expensive, it is better to call it once. var path = Path. UnityEngine. var texture = new Texture2D(renderTexture. This question was answered on Agora slack channel. To copy a texture more quickly, use one of the following methods instead: May 24, 2017 · Unity ID. Hence, the receiver end will have weird color display on its screen. The drawback is if you don't "AssetDatabase. ARGB32 does something funny to the output. I get this error: ReadPixels was called to read pixels Mar 26, 2013 · Trying to bake reflection probes on iOS in Unity 2020. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers. If you use this function to request data about a temporary render texture, don't release the texture using RenderTexture. I added the below simple code to my project, referring to a 512x512 RGB24-bit readable texture. The initial issue that I'm hitting is a ReadPixels error: ReadPixels was called to read pixels from system frame buffer, while not inside drawing frame. ReadPixels). But nothing seems to to be working. graphicsFormat, TextureCreationFlags. x, click. However, agora only support BGR format for external video. png creates strange grey outlines or extra pixels on the text borders, between RGB channel and alpha Mar 6, 2015 · Be careful to get the Y position correct, else you will have weird offset when using ReadPixels. In the Scriptable Render Pipeline, Camera. ReadPixels: Use this to read back pixels data from a rendertexture. If recalculateMipMaps is set to true, the mip maps To copy a texture more quickly, use one of the following methods instead: AsyncGPUReadback. The render target and the texture must use the same format, and the format must be Description. They can be used to implement image based rendering effects, dynamic shadows, projectors, reflections or surveillance cameras. ReadPixels ( ) to create a screenshot of the screen. Though all I get is a solid grey texture (Color32 = Jul 5, 2021 · The problem exists that I want to generate my textures as linear colour space textures but Unity is requiring me to import the final texture as an sRGB texture to display the noise correctly. g. If recalculateMipMaps is set to true, the mip maps of May 30, 2023 · AsyncGPUReadback. I'm pretty sure the reason for the slowness is that the GPU stalls while reaching a sync point before delivering the data. This method copies a rectangular pixel area from the currently active render target, and writes it to the texture at the position defined by destX and destY. ReadPixels. ReadPixels to get these Screenshots. I created a rect for the position where the user is clicking for a size of 10 pixel: Rect rect = new Rect (click. 一部の演算は GPU コピーと CPU コピーの両方が存在する場合、両方に作用します。. "Unsupported texture format - needs to be ARGB32, RGBA32, RGB24 or Alpha8" on Skin. May 25, 2023 · The ReadPixels method synchronously downloads GPU data from the active RenderTexture (RenderTexture. height), 0, 0); countTexture. ReadPixels () to work (Unity Indie). Posting verified answer here so others can learn about it: Your crash may be related to creating the RenderTexture buffer each time with Update () or every frame. Just go to the local texture meta file and change the 0 to 1. Finally, Call Texture2D. E. So calling. ReadPixels(mRectCopy, 1, 1); Unity 2017. This method copies a rectangular area of pixel colors from the currently active render target on the GPU, for example the screen or a RenderTexture, and writes them to a texture on the CPU at position ( destX, desty ). Aug 28, 2013 · I need to take a screenshot of the left half of the screen and right half, saved as 2 textures for 2 different planes. See this for some examples and also check the manual: Nov 24, 2020 · DestroyImmediate ( tempo); } To debug the result of ReadPixels, I save the pixels in an array of Colors, and each and every one of the colors is Color (0,0,0,0), that is, all the pixels of the generated image are black. height/2); Mar 16, 2023 · I am trying to take a 512x512 sized screenshot of a 3D object that is roughly placed at the screen centre. ReadPixels to check format May 24, 2023 · ReadPixel. Now to to the problem: the alpha in the PNG where the transparent layers are overlaid on top of the base opaque layer still retain an alpha value, making what should be an opaque portion Oct 14, 2017 · I have no such information. RGB24, false); // ofc you probably don't have a class that is called CameraController :P. Jul 17, 2023 · The WebGLRenderingContext. Upd: I managed to capture a part of screen with the The following code example demonstrates how to use ReadPixels in the Built-in Render Pipeline. When I switch it to RGB24 the output is correct. persistentDataPath, "sample. IsFormatSupported with FormatUsage. May 11, 2017 · But when I tested this project on 2 different Android devices (Huawei Honor 9, Huawei P20 Lite), they gave opposite Y values. ReadPixels 切换到手册 public void ReadPixels ( Rect source , int destX , int destY , bool recalculateMipMaps = true); Thank you for helping us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. Then I save the resulted image to a png file using EncodeToPNG. The code should look something like Texture2D. RequestIntoNativeArray to copy a texture from the GPU to the CPU. Sometimes you need to get pixels from a Texture without setting the Texture as readable, similar to how the Unity Editor does it to get preview images from Textures. For obvious memory reasons I don't Oct 4, 2013 · https://www. ReadPixels() 12 times could end up being 48 ms even if the data transfer cost is zero. CopyTexture, CommandBuffer. starting at 0,0 and ending at the screen's width and height texture. I tried using ReadPixels to sample values of various depth pixels in an image effect and it was as slow as expected. onPostRender is not available, but you can use RenderPipelineManager. 2 - I tried to select the exact area needed (which is the player size) with only one "ReadPixels", still too expensive. Apply(); countColors = countTexture. The class has a Sep 22, 2020 · 1 Answer. targetTexture ), this will make a camera Oct 5, 2012 · Hi, I'm trying to get the depth from a RenderTexture onto a Texture2D using texture. var texture = new Texture2D ( rt. I attach you a picture of that, the result is the blue square in the center: View attachment 236485. I feel like it should be trivial to save it out but, then again my knowledge of the render buffers aren't up to snuff. EncodeToPNG. 3 - I tried to use the "ReadPixels" method on a different thread using Job System or AsyncOperation. The resulting sprites appear to have their colors multiplied. bgolus, Sep 9, 2019. bindFramebuffer(gl. So that means as far as the shader is concerned, it's an 8 bit texture you're handing it. Nov 17, 2016 · For that, I'm currently using a code to capture the current frame of the scene Camera using the ReadPixels method. I expected to see the screen be grabbed into the texture - the texture would be used in the next Unity ID. Thanks in advance. Camera activeCamera = CameraController. On all the other platforms, I have this result: For texture data, use SystemInfo. Mar 21, 2010 · I seem to be having a problem getting Texture2D. Hi. width/2, Screen. ReadPixels to query if the format is supported. Posts: 3. GetPixels , you need to select Read/Write Enabled on Texture Import Settings to enable access to the Texture data from scripts. . This will resume your coroutine right at the end of the current frame when all rendering has finished. SetPixels (SkinColors); Skin is an imported texture that has been converted to ARGB32 in Unity and the var Col is Description. descriptor); Jul 24, 2014 · So my best understanding is that this will clog the pipeline because you're asking the graphics card to render something (Blit), which it normally does at the end of the pipeline, but then telling it that it must go back after doing that and read in the info (ReadPixels), which it normally does somewhere in the middle of the pipeline. GetData and Texture2D. They could implement it more efficiently directly in the engine. ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, resWidth, resHeight), 0, 0); screenShot = FlipTextureVertically(screenShot); but there might be more efficient ways of doing that. I can know you can create a Texture2D and use ReadPixels to copy a Description. var screenshot = new RenderTexture ( rt. Log in Create a Unity ID Home Nov 14, 2014 · I've tried using both ComputeBuffer. 0a20 and getting this error: "d3d11 unsupported readpixels destination texture format" Apr 19, 2013 · ReadPixels was called to read pixels from system frame buffer, while not inside drawing frame. To get Texture2d: private Texture2D ToCompressedTexture(ref RenderTexture renderTexture) {. これには UnityWebRequest が使用できます。. y, 10, 10) That will create the rect here starting from the x,y point. I understand it somehow cause the Data has to go from GPU to CPU. Graphics. Code (CSharp): Texture2D destTex = new Texture2D May 9, 2015 · I assume you actually allocate memory in the buffer for glReadPixels to copy to? IIRC glReadPixels reads from the current framebuffer. But those functions give 2 problems : 1. In particular, in my new approach, I use the AsyncGPUReadback method, which allows me to read data back from the GPU in a non-blocking way. ReleaseTemporary until the request is complete. When the Texture2D has TextureFormat. CaptureScreenshot, RenderTexture or Texture2D. Making the plugin part of Unity doesn't make much sense. readPixels() method of the WebGL API reads a block of pixels from a specified rectangle of the current color framebuffer into a TypedArray or a DataView object. It's like it's storing the result texture in portrait mode, although the screenshot is made in Landscape mode. I even asked unity guys how exactly native plugin callbacks work internally so that I could make this more efficient but I never got any response. Cameras don't own pixels. So calling Graphics. height, TextureFormat. texL = new Texture2D ( Screen. My app works in Landscape Right oder Landscape Left but if i use the ReadPixel like described below, then i get a Portrait orientation of the Screenshot, cut to 600x400 from the Texture format. width, maskTexture. width, rt. When you want to use a coroutine, simply use yield WaitForEndOfFrame ();. May 28, 2013 · On all platforms, everything working great, even on the Tizen emulator, but when I try with a "real" Tizen device, the result of ReadPixels is a texture completely blue. If this function fails, Unity throws an exception. The returned array is a flattened 2D array, where the data appears row by row: the pixels are laid out left to right, bottom to top. #1. Seems to me that one of the settings under Level 'Fastastic' is not supported by iOS6. is hh ls ij gl mt hv qn tk ka